Our focus is on adaptation to climate change, and the identification and mitigation of the possible consequences so that we can anticipate, and find opportunities for improvement starting from the planning stage.
Our concern is not only limited to emissions standards but also to the management of potential risks involved. For this reason, we must comprehensively address the management of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) and climate change, in line with Law 21,455, Framework Law on Climate Change of the Chilean government.
In addition, we look to incorporate energy providers as strategic partners that can support us in the gradual increase in the use of renewable energy and a decrease in dependence on diesel.
In order to comply with IFC (International Finance Corporation) recommendations, Fenix Gold prepared a Climate Change Impact Risk Assessment for the Project. This assessment allowed us to clearly identify and report the risks and opportunities associated with climate change in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Equator Principles.